The Fab Four...

Jump Buddy! Jump!
Her version of climbing a tree....
Such a sweet little girl!
My handsome boy... A funny Gabe story.... The other day he was telling us that he likes to pretend that he is a bandit (too many country movies with Grampa), however I teasingly said... "Oh it is all great until they catch you and put you in prision." I muttered ever so softly, "...and you become someone's bitch..." Gabe replies back to me, "Oh, Don't worry Mommy. When I grow up I am going to be my wife's 'B-Word'!" So I am taking applications for some lucky girl to be my son's wife. I am training him well!
Ah...Sweet Lindsay
What little Loves!
So Happy
Such a darling
A picture of An Angel...
Truly a Sweet Angel....How could a face like this be other than ...
...A little SHIT!!! Yes, my sweet angel is putting her leg on her sister's head.