Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A beautiful May Day

The Fab Four...

Jump Buddy! Jump!

Her version of climbing a tree....

Such a sweet little girl!

My handsome boy... A funny Gabe story.... The other day he was telling us that he likes to pretend that he is a bandit (too many country movies with Grampa), however I teasingly said... "Oh it is all great until they catch you and put you in prision." I muttered ever so softly, "...and you become someone's bitch..." Gabe replies back to me, "Oh, Don't worry Mommy. When I grow up I am going to be my wife's 'B-Word'!" So I am taking applications for some lucky girl to be my son's wife. I am training him well!

Ah...Sweet Lindsay

What little Loves!

So Happy
Such a darling

A picture of An Angel...

Truly a Sweet Angel....How could a face like this be other than ...

...A little SHIT!!! Yes, my sweet angel is putting her leg on her sister's head.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Love is...

sleeping all cuddled up to your sister!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The best gift ever...

Plans for Mother's Day
1. Wake Daddy up at 8:00am
2. Make breakfast Waffles with bacon and orange juice or milk
3. Give Mommy are (our) cards.
4. Give Mommy lots of Hugs and Kisses.
5. Be Good
6. obey Mommy
7. Make Lunch for Mommy
8. Spend time with Mommy
9. Make Dinner for mommy
10. Go to bed for Mommy.

Please excuse Lindsay's writing, when her pressure is up we write backwards and we spell incorrectly. But honestly THIS is the best gift ever. I love you Lindsay!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday May 8th

My Mother's Day Flowers

I really thought having a bird's nest outside my kitchen window was neat, until it turned so cold and I about freeze when I wash dishes.

My boy who cannot put his book down, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

My Lovely Flowers which are now covered with garbage bags in hopes of protecting them from the frost. I just realized how badly I need to power wash the deck. Perhaps when it gets warm I will. :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Y'all are in TROUBLE NOW!

Well, I got a new camera yesterday as well as a new lens. I am SO EXCITED! Plus it is Spring and I can take pictures outside. You all know what I am talking about. You no longer have to worry if you have captured the fact that your counter has crumbs on it or the laundry pile behind that cute smiling child. :) So ignore me. I am going to add a ton of photos.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Bob Party

Oh Look! She Sparkles like a Cullen! ;)

Monday, April 19, 2010

I now know that I am a sick and demented person. This picture makes me giggle every time I see it. It is NOT Lindsay's right eye that is messed up. It is her LEFT eye. She is actually looking to the LEFT in this picture. (Her left) Seriously I want to blacken out a tooth or 2 and call her Billy Bob. We love the 6th cranial nerve palsy.
Our neurosurgeon is brilliant and amazingly intelligent, however he cannot figure out HOW to do surgery without matting a child's hair. 1 hour in the shower and 2 bottles of conditioner later and this is what we removed....
with a pair of Scissors. Below is the picture of the carnage that we refer to as Lindsay's hair. My sweet little girl is a trooper and has agreed to a chin length bob. For those of you who know Lindsay this is about the same as asking her to sever her leg off her body. She needs to have enough hair for a bun for dance. This is about the only way that we can get her hair to grow out nicely. Nutcracker will be interesting..But I will be pumping her full of vitamins to get her hair to grow so that I do not have to listen to her complain about her lack of a bun. :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am so sorry

To the people who follow me here, I am so sorry that I have been so negligent in posting pics. My life is crazy at the moment and I just can't find the time to take any good pics. Currently I only had medical/hospital pics to post and well...after a while those get old too. I PROMISE that I will eventually resume photoblogging sometime....this year...maybe...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lindsay's first real Valentine. Sent to her by Hunter.

Seriously...How damn sweet!

He is such a love!

Our first night home (before we left again)

Beads of Courage...

In her bed after our 3 trips to the hospital this month...
I still have a magic bra... Warming up the antibiotic I forgot to take out of the fridge...

Ahhhh! My Friend that I missed for the past 3 weeks...
Why I need my friend...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Words for the Day


And the amount of damage that they do while the mommy is on a run to the playroom for art supplies.

Lovely Lindsay and her LOVELY new infection. It would be STAPH! Plus her lovely new drug sensitivity to.....

And the fact that we are on Vancomycin EVERY 6 hours. They run it SLOWLY over 2 hours...Itching occurs for 2 hours after administration and then we have 2 hours before we do it again. And when I mean itching I mean CRAZY BURNING ITCHING. Burning from the depths of your body. They are giving mega dosages of IV benadryl and morphine....

Off it itch the girl... Only another hour until we do it again.

Love love!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hidden Letters...

Not exactly what Angie meant...however I cannot help but be a bit in a sarcastic mood tonight so...excuse the pics they are taken by my blackberry.

The Lovely Monitor that is hooked up to my Lovely Daughter.

My Lovely Daughter that has this Lovely Allergy.

My Lovely Daughter who is now back in the room that we were in 1 week ago today. Due to a Lovely NEW allergic reaction to skin adhesives (dermabond) and a potential Lovely shunt infection.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Darren and I went on our first date on Valentine's Day. When we met up for dinner he brought me 1 red rose. He has done this EVERY year on Valentine's Day. Honestly this is probably the most romantic he gets every year.

The BEST Valentine ever... From my Sweet Lindsay-b